Sunday, April 3, 2011


Next on our hit-list before 3rd Week of April 2011:

1) Buy Bride's Shoes
2) Buy Groom's Shoes and Socks
3) Tailor Groom's Shirts
4) Conceptualise Photoshoot and prepare necessary props
5) Finalize Wedding Shoot Locations and notify Bali counterparts
6) Decide on appearance of floral bouquet for Photoshoot

... and Before Photoshoot in mid-May 2011:

1) Apply several rounds of facial masques (LOL! DIY at home)
2) Hair-styling session
3) Dental session
4) Mani/pedi
5) Conceptualise Photoshoot and prepare necessary props
6) Pack luggage and make sure gowns and whatever accessories are all ok and good-to-go!
7) Practise wearing wedding attire by ourselves - making sure we look halfway decent and do the customised outfits justice! =)

Another busy stretch ahead of us... >_<

Update (by Dax):
And further afield:
1) Work on that video we were talking about. A lot more groundwork before we can go ahead. Thinking if a viral Youtube preview will work hehe..
2) Marriage Preparation Course in the 3rd quarter of the year - 6 weekends of effort!

And here's a recent shot of Shermy that I would like to share =D

1 comment:

  1. One down! Got my shoes while out shopping with Sherm yesterday, from Taka. =D
    We've also got a rough idea on the kind of theme/look we want, now to accessorize with relevant props!
