Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Price of Gold, aka 四点金

As preparations of the wedding continue, there has always been one thing that I've been keeping track of very closely, and that is the price of Gold.

As an FX analyst by profession, one of the things I write commentaries on is about Gold. Everyday, I'm charting the movements, and putting down my expectations on where I think it will go next. As most of you may know, Gold has been setting all-time highs for the past few months. There has never been a time in history where Gold has been more expensive than now.

What does that mean for the groom-to-be? Well, it just means his wedding will be that little bit more expensive. In traditional Teochew weddings, the "四点金" (or 4 items of gold) is a traditional requirement of the family of the bride. The groom's mother should present these 4 items of gold to the bride. This is an assurance to the bride that she will always have a roof (or rather 4 roofs) over her head. Or if ever there are monetary woes, she can always hawk it off for $$.. =P Click here for a write-up on the 4 items of gold.

As excited as my mother has been, I've been reigning in her enthusiasm to go jewelry shopping as I've been expecting the price of Gold to correct for the longest time. As of now, there are signs again of this correction happening soon. However, I no longer am as confident about that as Gold has been defying gravity, always finding strength to return to newer highs whenever the supporting lows get compromised.

Here's hoping the true correction occurs soon. I will then advise my mother to go ahead and shop for those 4 items with Shermaine. Hopefully near US$1233/ounce (no, I'm not even hoping for a crash in Gold prices).


  1. Hahaha! What incentive for you to work hard, Dax -- watch the gold prices and make gold to buy gold ;)
    We've heard about this "si dian jin", what fortune for me to be of Chinese descent (i.e. someone has to show what a good son-in-law he'll be even though he's European and there's no such practice!)

  2. Well, as a bride-to-be, It is your good fortune to be receiving these items =) It is v nice to know your other half is doing his due diligence and attributing importance to such a tradition. I'm sure your parents will be even more assured of your choice. You are lucky and blessed lady Celine!
