Sunday, August 28, 2011

Voyage Night Festival, 2011

Falling hearts, Shermaine has already captured mine. ;)

For more photos, click here.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Graduates of MPC!

We've graduated from the Catholic Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) at last!

Six weeks of lectures, sharing, "couple-pak" worksheet doing, presenting and candidly ironing out our differences in views... it was a good experience on a whole, we learnt some useful and valuable lessons. Hoping it will help us to pave a smooth path to, and in our married days to come!

Next up, planning for the Church wedding caterers, guest lists, schedule for the actual day, stag/hen parties (I'm not even sure if I want a hen party... being the anti-social creature that I am), consolidating all our plans, outfits for the parents, gathering our brothers and sisters for the big day... only 3 months left, so many things to do!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Attended the first of the family weddings for 2011!

I was invited to shoot my cousin's wedding this August, she liked my style of candid photography and I was looking for experience shooting such events. Match made in heaven, just like the two people pictured at the top of this post =D

It was a lively and fun wedding, definitely not the run-of-the-mill type ending with a Chinese dinner. Even though I was preoccupied shooting most of the time, I'm glad for my family, including my aunties and cousins who kept Shermaine occupied and entertained!

This is one of my favourite shots of the evening, rendered in Black & White, a mode I'm growing to like a lot actually. Shermaine actually helped me with the composition! While watching one of the bridesmaids give a speech, I noticed Simon slipping his arm around Cherie and took the opportunity to snap a shot since they happened to be caught by the light. Shermaine mentioned that I should try lowering my framing a little and voila, the shot above was taken! Tag-team double-combo!

Next of the family weddings - my Uncle Ivan's! Then my own at the year-end of course! Busy! Thanks Shermaine for holding the fort and getting us back on track regarding the planning.

To see more of the Wise Wedding, click the link here.